Sunday, 21 May 2017

Treatments for Ankyloglossia

If you’re someone that has an infant with issues involving breastfeeding, or if there’s issues with moving the tongue, there is a chance the child might have ankyloglossia. So what is that exactly? Is there a way to fix it? Well, you’re in luck because we’ll walk you through everything, and what you as a parent may expect from this.

What Ankyloglossia is 

This is known by many as being tongue-tied, and is a congenital sort of condition, so it will affect children from the moment they’re born.

In those who have tongue tie, the thin part of the tissue known as the lingual frenulum, which attaches the tongue towards the floor of the child’s mouth is shorter or bigger than usual.

This connection impacts the overall mobility of the baby or child’s tongue, and causes trouble with speech, and breastfeeding.

Only half of the children with this condition have issues with breastfeeding. So what causes this? Well, it may happen when the child’s in the embryonic stage, where they’re fused towards the floor of their mouths, prior to detachments with development.

For those who have tongue tie, the tissue won’t properly thin or recede, not detaching correctly at this stage. 

If you’re worried about this, don’t fret. There isn’t a way to prevent this, and it affects a tenth of children. You’re not alone, nor are you at fault. It’s pretty simple and relatively painless for someone to get this treatment for infants. 

The symptoms. 

The presentation of the condition does vary quite greatly. It may impact the baby’s life, or their child’s life, but in a lot of cases, there’s mild symptoms. 

The symptoms, however, might change based on the stage of one’s life. 

The symptoms for infants include: 

  • Issues with breastfeeding 

  • A notched or heart-shaped appearance on the tongue of a child 

  • A click when they’re nursing 

  • Problems with weight gain 

  • A very high level of hunger 

For young children: 

  • Speech issues and difficulties speaking 

  • Issues with swallowing 

  • Issues with sticking their tongue out, kissing, moving it from one side to the other, or positioning it near the roof of the mouth 

For mothers: 

  • Low milk supply 

  • Breastfeeding being discomforting 

  • Nipples that are tender 

Regardless of the symptoms of a child, you should always check with medical professionals if you do have ankyloglossia. 


For this condition, you may not need treatment right away. But if there are issues with swallowing, feeding, or speaking, there may be a corrective procedure required. 

The best procedure for this is tongue tie division, or a frenectomy, which consists of cutting out the tissue that connects the tongue to the mouth floor.   It is generally painless for an infant, but there might be some pain relievers or anesthetic done.

Now that it’s simple enough for treating, it doesn't usually require pain meds.

But there is some aftercare that might be done, and if you have questions, you should reach out right away. always schedule the follow-up appointments too, in order to ensure success.

There is a chance that there might be some blood in the mouth and the stool.   To stop this, you may want to use gauze or cloth, submerging this in ice water. Apply this with some mild pressure for a couple minutes.

Using a bottle or breastfeeding might also help. But if there are issues still with swallowing, breathing, or bleeding abnormally, seek medical care immediately.

There is also some possible issues with breastfeeding too. But the good thing is that usually after a week or two it goes away.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Effects of neglecting the dentist

I have recently found out that neglecting your dentist visits is highly risky. There are many different kinds of illnesses and diseases that can form and take root if not dealt with. That is why going to the dentist is very important as they clean your teeth and check for any illnesses and diseases that may be trying to form as well as any issues with the teeth

Tooth decay is one kind of disease or illness that can form from the neglect of going to the dentist. This happens when plaque eats away at the teeth. Plaque forms from eating and drinking. It is always coming. If plaque is not removed by brushing or dentist visits, then disaster can strike. Plaque mixed with bacteria will slowly eat away at the tooth enamel and eventually the gums. After a while, if left untreated, then your teeth could fall out. This is what is knows as tooth decay. Tooth decay also causes bad breath regardless of how much brushing or mouthwash has been done. This can be fixed with extensive work such as root canals or a crown. 

Speaking of tooth decay, gum disease will be an issue. If tooth decay is left untreated, then it will evolve into gun disease or gingivitis. This disease attacks the gums. The gum’s primary purpose is to form a tight seal around the teeth and keep the base of the tooth as well as the roots safe and healthy. Plaque build-up will attack the teeth and eventually the gums. It will eat away at the gums and break that tight seal. The bacteria will then be able to settle on the base of the tooth and attack the roots as well as the gums as free will as it is now in a tough spot to get to. This will lead to bleeding, swelling, and sensitivity in the gums. 

The final kind of problem that can arise if you choose to neglect the dentist as well as brushing is staining. This one is not as serious as the previous two unless you like a pretty white smile. Drinking coffee, tea, soda, and smoking cigarettes will lead to this issue and leave you with an unattractive smile. An easy way to make sure this does not happen is to make sure you are brushing your teeth every day and night, as well as making sure to go to every dentist appointment that is scheduled. A professional dental cleaning can help remove these stains, but that is a lot of money and can be easily avoided by brushing your teeth. Some darker stains will require more specialized cleaning. A cosmetic dentist will need to work with you, and they will help get your teeth white but again, that is a lot of money. Way more than a simple cleaning. 

Going to the dentist can be a scary experience, but it is essential for your oral health. If you choose not to brush, floss, or even use mouth wash, then you are at risk of one if not all of these oral issues. Simply going to the dentist when appointments are required will help prevent and stop all of these diseases and problems. I personally do not like the dentist, but I make sure to go to every appointment as well as brush my teeth twice a day.