
When I was a youngster, I used to refuse to brush my teeth because the taste of toothpaste made me gag. When I was young, nearly all toothpaste was flavored with various kinds of mint. From peppermint to spearmint to winter fresh, you could only find mint, mint, and more mint. Therefore, my level of oral hygiene was slim to none as a child.

I fought through each morning trying not to gag at the taste. I even wore a nose plug, that one might wear while swimming to avoid water in the nose, to help limit the amount of taste I would have in my mouth from the minty toothpaste. Much to my chagrin, nothing seemed to help my problem with the taste of mint.

I’ve heard the saying “your childhood shapes who you will become” many times throughout my life. I can’t say I agree wholeheartedly with the words in that phrase. I would rather use the word “what” in place of “who”. What you will become and who you will become are two drastically different ideas. I believe our childhoods play a great role in what we will become. In regards to my problems with minty toothpaste, my childhood definitely shaped what I would become. And what I am is one of the leading innovators for flavored toothpaste.

Because brushing my teeth was such a terrifying experience for me as a child, I don’t want any other children to have to go through the same thing. I remember thinking how pleasurable it would be if I could brush my teeth with toothpaste that tasted like strawberries. I would have no problems at all and my oral hygiene could be in good standing. Therefore, the very first toothpaste we created was strawberry flavored. I must admit, the first batch we put out to the public tasted drastically different than our trademark “strawberry blast paste” that is currently our number one seller.

We have a plethora of different fruit flavored toothpaste predominantly targeted for the use of young children. However, I definitely keep a drawer stocked with our strawberry blast in my house (for me, not the kids). Oral hygiene is a very important part of our adolescent lives. It teaches us how to be responsible with our teeth. It teaches us how to take care of our teeth. These are lessons that will carry over into all aspects of life. Having toothpastes that are tasty to children will help instill these values more easily.

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