We’re probably aware that hyperglycemia is high blood sugar, but hypoglycemia is the opposite, low blood sugar. What’s the cause of this, and what symptoms are there? Does your oral care play a part in this? How can it connect directly to dry mouth? Here, we’ll give you the lowdown on what it is.
What Hypoglycemia Is
This is basically what happens when your blood sugar gets down to low levels. Blood sugar is basically how much glucose is within your blood. You need glucose in order to create energy, but too much, and insulin helps keep it at the right levels. But there is a threshold for safety with this, and that where hypoglycemia comes in.
This is usually when the fasting blood sugar is about 70 milligrams per deciliter, which is based on the Mayo clinic findings. However, this does vary between different people, so your range may be a bit different for it to be considered. This is sometimes a common thing that happens in diabetics. There are other reasons for this too, including:
Type ½ diabetes and other hormonal problems
Too much alcohol
Overtaking of medications, or taking medications you weren’t properly prescribed
Rare conditions that create insulin overproduction.
Hepatitis, kidney problems, and cirrhosis of the liver
The foods that are in your meals and the combination of this
It’s important to discuss this with your doctor if you find yourself experiencing this.
Diabetes and hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is common in a lot of diabetics, especially when there is too much insulin. This is very common with those who have type 1 diabetes, and some may experience two episodes of this during the week.Your blood sugar does rise and fall throughout your daily activities, but if it gets too low, this can be a problem. Blurred vision, dizziness, confusion, and weakness are all common, and it can lead to injuries n some cases. If it’s untreated, it can cause a lot of complications, so if you are a diabetic, you need to make sure that you control this.
The symptoms
The symptoms do vary based on the types of instances. But, no matter what, all hypoglycemia should be taken quite seriously. These can be quite scary, but it’s a sign that you have to correct this ASAP, for your own health needs. Some of the symptoms do include:
Skin being pale
Feeling weak and tired
Stress, irritability, or anxiety
More hungry
Numbness in the tongue, lips, and cheeks
Disorientation or confusion
Rapid heartbeat
Losing consciousness
Blurred or disturbed problems with your vision
If you have hypoglycemia, you should definitely go to the doctor to get help with this.
How this Impacts the Mouth
Your mouth definitely gets impacted by this. You should try to have some sugar drinks, but also keep in mind that this does put you at risk for possible cavities and what not. Low blood sugars can cause dental issues, but it’s not direct. You might experience one of the following health problems:
Dry mouth, due to the lack of saliva in the mouth
Gum disease, which is usually what happens when the blood sugar is not under control
Injuries taking longer to heal
Changes in the flavor and tastes of food.
Infection and disease, which impacts your immune system, making you more susceptible to possible infection or disease within your mouth
Take care of this right away, for your oral health needs!