Thursday 23 March 2023

All about Melanotic Macules

This is something that you might see around some darkened spots of the lips and the mouth. If you’ve seen this, you’re actually not the only one.  Melanotic macules are interesting, and they can be something that you should get checked out if you’re worried about them.

“What they Are. 

A melanotic Macule is basically a dark spot on the lips and the mouth. There are a few causes for them. The most common one though is a hyperpigmentation that’s not cancerous within your mucus membrane.  This usually creates too much pigment, or melanin, and this is more than what you’re used to.

It may look just like a freckle on the mouth or the lips. Sometimes they’re alone, or they’re in groups. 

If this is within the mouth, this is known as oral melanotic macules, and usually, if it’s on the lip, it’s a labial melanotic macule.

The problem with this is that it’s hard to diagnose the cause that’s underlying most of this, or the other conditions that create this. In fact, these actually cause over 86% of the lesions that are there.

Some of the other reasons that you might have some pigmentation around the mouth include the following: 

  • You inherited it. 

  • You have hormonal fluctuations, dysfunction, or an imbalance. 

  • A traumatic injury to those areas 

  • Putz-jeghers syndrome 

  • Oral cancer 

  • Smoking or utilizing stuff with tobacco 

  • A hereditary condition such as hemochromatosis 

  • An amalgam tattoo because of the dental amalgams that you have within the teeth. 

The diagnosis 

If you’re worried about this, remember for the most part that these are benign, and usually, they don’t have a really bad underlying cause to them. You can talk to a dentist to help with this sort of thing.

However, due to the nature of this condition, there are a ton of underlying causes for this. Some are harmless, others are a lot more serious like oral cancer, and you need to get this treated.

If you get this diagnosed early, then you’ll be able to get the treatment for this. They also might be able to explain the lesion that’s there, especially if it’s not a melanotic macule.

You should see a dentist whenever you can.  They usually will be able to tell the cause of this.

They usually will determine this through the following: 

  • Looking at the medical history, including any current or past health conditions, and also some medications too 

  • They look at the symmetry, along with the uniformity that’s there. 

  • They may use biopsies to help determine the other causes that are there? \

How it’s treated 

These are treated in a variety of different ways.  If it does have a melanotic macule as the cause, usually, you may just get some scheduled visits to monitor the changes.

If you do have some concerns about it, you can get it removed surgically, using cryotherapy, or through lasers and pulsating light to remove the particles that are there.

The dark pot is something that you normally don’t need to be afraid of, but the thing is, if it’s something less common, it can be a major problem for you.

The problem with this, is that they’re hard to properly diagnose. It’s best to talk to a dentist, or some other professional if you’ve got concerns that are serious. If you’re someone who is interested in informing yourself on this, you’re not alone. They can be scary, and the better prepared that you are, the better this will be down the line, and help with protecting you as  well.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Dental Emergency Kit

How many times have you been in a situation where you are unsure if your breath is fresh enough? Probably several times a month. What about worrying about that little piece of kale that has been stuck in your teeth since lunch? A few times a week for me. Most people agree that the first thing they notice about their person is their smile. Of course this includes teeth. And even more emphasis is put on teeth as beauty standards have started to change. More and more adults are getting dental work done for the aesthetic of more beautiful teeth. So, let’s not waste all that money we put into straightening our teeth or getting them whitened. If you are concerned about this then you should really consider a dental emergency back in your purse, pocket, or satchel.
Dental emergency kits can be created for a relatively small expense. All you need to find is a small bag to keep it all in. You could make it themed and get a really cool little pouch, or a black or white zip-up bag will suffice. Just make sure you keep it updated if you run out of things because nothing would be worse than reaching for your dental emergency kit and something you want to be out.
First, and most obvious, you should grab a toothbrush and toothpaste. You could even get a small, travel toothbrush that folds into itself for more room. You could go with a small tube of toothpaste or even consider buying a little jar and chewable toothpaste tablets. These tablets will ensure no toothpaste spillage all over the pouch. In most cases, a good old brushing will cure any dental flaws.

Next you should definitely consider floss. Maybe a traditional roll of floss, or even try little floss picks. They even have the added bonus of a toothpick on the opposite side. You can really get in and dig out that piece of spinach or kale. You could start making it a habit to floss after every meal. Your teeth, your dentist, and you will all be happy about this.
Lastly, you should keep gum or mints in your pouch. Not only could you have this little treat for you, but if you ever find yourself in close quarters with another person that could benefit from a little dental emergency kit then you could offer some of your gum! Great for them and for you.

Changing Perspective and Mood

There are times when nothing really seems to be going right in your life, when you feel as if the world is pitted against you for some unknown reason and it’s all a big joke being played on you. And truthfully, that’s the scenario you would actually prefer to be happening. Because at the very least, there’s an end in sight: waiting for the world’s joke to finally be revealed to you.

But when you have no answer, no clarity on why everything just seems off and not worth pursuing, it can definitely lead to some dark times that you may not want to speak much about. And that’s okay, because the vast majority of the population can agree they’ve been in such a spot in their lives before. Sometimes, there seems like no answer exists as to why you have to be going through this. And sometimes, there isn’t one.

But the number one thing I’ve taught myself is that the world as you perceive it can be changed in an instant. You can change exactly what you see, how you see it, how you feel, and what you enjoy in a heartbeat. Of course, that sort of knowledge sounds absolutely crazy and impossible to a lot of folks. But seeing beyond the little things in life that are needless and toxic is so much easier said than it is done.

At least, that’s the case at first.

You see, all it takes is action. Action can manifest in cleaning up your house or taking care of your health in minute ways. Take me, for example. I was in a funk about 8 months ago, and I really felt like there was nowhere to turn. No answers revealed themselves to me when I constantly asked “Why me?” But without fail, if I would just get up, do something small for myself or my body, things would seem a little better. And all it takes is building off that.

So what I did was get up and brush my teeth or floss any time I felt a little down. I almost conditioned myself to look at this activity as a productive one, a positive one. And never would I realize at the time that I was stacking two positive experiences on top of one another, reinforcing good habits with good perspective. Sure, it didn’t truly feel like it at the time, but forcing myself to continue looking on the bright side of things meant that I would be able to change my mood or “bad day” in a heartbeat if I truly wanted to.

Monday 17 September 2018

Oral health Throughout Your Life: What Your Needs Are

As we grow older our oral health changes. The oral health that you had as a kid, or even as a young adult, is definitely different from the oral health that you’ve gotten in the past.

When you take care of your teeth, you will notice these changes that become different over time, and how they will magically become easier for you to deal with. Adapting to these needs is vital, especially for your own well-being. 

Infants and toddlers 

It might seem silly to start with oral habits at such a young age, but it is important. Even those that are infants can have good oral habits, which they will carry throughout their entire life.

Putting a dab of toothpaste on your finger and rubbing them around the gums is great for infants who don’t have their teeth yet. Once the first tooth starts to erupt, you can get a brush specifically for that. cleaning their mouth with a cloth works too.

For toddlers, they might have some idea of their mouth and teeth, but may struggle with brushing them.   so, you can help them by doing it for them, showing them the importance of cleaning all their teeth. 

Adolescents and Teenagers 

Now, as a kid gets older, they will start to develop dexterity and motor skills, especially for taking care of themselves. This translates to their oral health.

So what that means for you is simple: you start them with a brush, showing them how it’s done. Guide them on learning how to brush their teeth, paying attention to how they take care of the hard-to-reach spots.

You can get them a timer, and they can use their toothbrush themselves. An electric toothbrush might work.

Now for teenagers, by this point they probably have the habit, or not. Maybe a dental wakeup call is what they need.

They might start to get orthodontics, which will help with their bite. As young as eight can get them, but most of the time you get these orthodontic appliances when you are able to get the information you need on your teeth.


Adults are mostly just maintaining their oral health despite the busy lives.

Brushing twice a day, flossing once a day at least, eating right, drinking water, and refraining from smoking and other habits that can compromise teeth is the main part of this point.

Lives get busy, but don’t forget about your teeth. All those important habits that you formulated early on don’t go by the boards because you’ve got kids and a job now! 

For Aging Adults and Seniors 

As one gets older, other dental problems arise, which can get worse if they’re much older. 

Dry mouth is one of them, especially with development of the salivary glands. 

The other one is tooth loss. This might cause one to need dentures or bridges. In some cases, they might need some implants for this job, so it’s important to make sure that, if you’re not seeing your dentist for this help already, you get out there and get the care that you need.

As one gets older, the needs will always change. Here, we went over the entire gamut of what you need in order to make sure that your oral health is on point.   If you know the evolving needs, you will be able to do something about it.   your oral health will take a lot of time to master, but you will notice that, once you’ve got it, you will be able to form a lifelong habit.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Morning Breath

Have you ever woken up, stretched, got ready for the day, and then, you have the worst taste in your mouth? This is very common, and morning breath is something that people get embarrassed about, but not something to feel bad about. Here, we’ll go over what the cause is, and how to prevent it. 

What it Is 

It’s basically halitosis, which happens from the bacteria within the mouth, and when the bacteria break this down, they create chemicals that smell very foul. 

The cause of this is as follows: 

  • Food, especially food that’s leftover which causes this. Onions, garlic, and spices will definitely create smells that are stinky as you sleep 

  • Dry mouth, which is a condition where the saliva is left, which is how bacteria come around.This is also known as xerostomia, and this type of dry mouth does make it hard to deal with.

  • Oral care that’s bad definitely has a bad breath, and also may develop gum disease too! 

  • Tobacco is something that also creates bad breath, and smokers are more prone to this, along with dry mouth and gum disease. 

  • Medications also which create dry mouth that cause the bacteria to be much worse will make your breath smell funky 

Preventing morning breath 

How do you prevent it? First and foremost, grab some water. Have it before you go to bed, and when you wake up, take a nice, big swig of water to stave off the nasty breath. Remember that stuff that’s quite strong including tea, garlic, and coffee prior to sleeping will make your breath smelly, so be mindful of that. When you get up, you can also start taking care of your mouth as well to ensure that you’re not making it super stinky.

If you do have tobacco and alcohol, always make sure to try and brush afterwards. Better yet, stop these habits, especially if you do them often, because they’re also not good for you. You should try to have a mouthwash that’s antiseptic each day.  Rinsing out with this will help to maintain better gum health, keep gingivitis off of your mouth, and also prevent the onset of bad breath. If you haven’t been cleaning up your tongue, start to do this too. Brush it, or use a tongue scraper during the morning, and right before you go to bed.

Chewing some gum as well is great for boosting the saliva in the mouth, and also is good for getting the nasty gunk out of your teeth, offering you a fresh better sort of life too.  Finally, get breath mints that are sugar free. Get some that are xylitol, since they also help with making sure that the mouth is good, and also prevents bad breath.

For a lot of us, morning breath is not fun, and it’s not a fun way to start your every day. The key here is that you need to take care of your teeth. That's because your teeth are your first line of defense, and when you brush your teeth twice daily, offering flossing, and making sure that the tongue is neglected is vital.

Try to make sure that you get cleanings every six or so months, as the hygienist will actually get deep in there, take care of the gunk, and make your mouth shine.

Bad breath is bad, but it doesn't have to hold you back forever. For a lot of people, there are a lot of great ways to prevent this, and by taking care of this, it’ll go away too.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

What Silicone Toothbrushes Are

One of the most-used items that we have are toothbrushes. The toothbrush is something that seems basic, and you’re familiar with both the bristles that are soft, a handle that’s comfortable, and also the head that holds the toothpaste that's there. you might even have toothbrushes in colors that you like. But have you actually thought about how this was developed? While we do have manual and electric toothbrushes, there are also others too, including the silicone brush, and we’ll tell you a little bit about this here. 

The History that Bristles Have

Did you know that the toothbrush you use today has only been around since 1938? There are ones that used to be made with boar’s hair.  they have however been used since 3000 BC or even earlier! There are many advancements that have happened since the toothbrush came around, but the ultimate goal is always the same, regardless of what it is. It’s just to clean your teeth, and to have a smile that looks good.

Most of the time, people use brushes that are plastic, and come with bristles made of nylon. But did you know that there are now electric toothbrushes made of silicone that people like? 

How it fights Gingivitis Better 

If you’re so

meone who is interested in fighting gum disease, then you might want to look at a silicone toothbrush.  This is actually one that cleans the gums really well.

Let’s say that you don’t brush your teeth on the regular, or floss either. When the plaque doesn’t get removed, it then hardens and becomes tartar. Then, it can inflame the gums, and then, it creates periodontal disease, or gingivitis.

This is something that can be a problem when not treated, but if you want to prevent this, consider using a silicone toothbrush, rather than one that’s made from nylon. It takes care of plaque faster and better than your regular old toothbrush.

Baby Teeth Brushing 

Another benefit of silicone brushes is seen on the baby teeth. They’re something that’s pretty popular with adults and teens, but for young children and even babies, they’re becoming popular too.

This is good because it protects the gums by wiping them clean, and it can also help with the discomfort that teething gives to a child. Plus, for a lot of kids, this is better on their teeth than a normal toothbrush. Getting good oral care in place is the best way to improve the brushing habits for a long time.  Once the teeth start to erupt, then the dentist can recommend the right type of baby toothbrush to use. Before that, you want to clean up the gumline and the tongue with a gauze square, or even with the finger once you're done feeding.

Then, whenever the child grows up, they can start brushing their teeth, and they may find that the silicone is an easier brush model for them to use. Many are electric too, so they’ll be able to clean their teeth better, and easier.

Regardless of the type of toothbrush that you have and prefer, using one is really important, and having it in place will help to protect your teeth. Brush the teeth twice daily, and then floss them once daily. You should also use a mouthwash too, and then go see the dentist whenever you can to get a checkup. 

The right toothbrush can help, so talk to them about possibly switching out the toothbrush when you go see them, to help you make an informed decision about your oral care needs real fast.

Friday 25 May 2018

How are braces applied?

Braces are a peculiar kind of dental device that promotes better oral health. This is a device that helps straighten teeth. I had braces some years back. There was some pain from time to time, but I was able to get over it. I was glad to get braces as they helped me get straight teeth, and now I do not need to worry about it again unless my teeth get too crooked. I do have a permanent bottom retainer that will keep those teeth straight. I had a retainer for my upper teeth, but I had misplaced that right around when my braces got off. 

The application of braces seems to be a relatively simple one. When you go to the dentist, if the surgeon there decides that you need to get braces, they will refer you to an orthodontist who can perform this procedure. When you get recommended, it is best to go to the advised office. When you arrive there, you will need to fill out a healthy amount of paperwork. Once that paperwork is filled out, they will call you back for a consultation. They will clean your teeth if need be and get X-rays. Additionally, they will put spacers on your molars. 

After a week, you’ll be required to go back for your braces application. This procedure can take anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour and a half, maybe longer depending on the orthodontist. When you are put in the chair, they will clean your teeth one last time before they apply the braces. Once the cleaning has been done, it’s time to apply the braces. A special glue is applied to both the tooth and the stud that is going to sit on it. Once applied, a unique tool that speeds up the drying is used, and within a few seconds, the glue is hardened. This is done for each and every tooth till completion. Once all the studs are on the teeth, the band is applied. This is where the pain starts to come. As the band is put in, it snaps into each of the studs, which is not a pleasant feeling. 

Once the metal band is in place, rubber bands are placed over the wire and slipped into a groove on the brace studs. This process is done at least once every two months over the course of half a year. I personally never got used to the pain or feeling of the band being taken out and replaced. Each time this is done, a slightly tighter one is used to draw the teeth in closer and closer. On the bright side, you can choose the color of rubber bands that are used. Hooray right? Once the time is up for you to wear the braces, the removal of the braces is quick. A tool like pliers is used to quickly and pain-free remove the brace studs. In my personal experience, as well as friends, the stud will leave a shiny white tooth showing while all around it is a slightly yellow tooth. Not to mention the feeling of sliding your tongue across your teeth is something you will probably do for a few weeks. 

Braces are a great oral health invention, even if it is a bit painful. The good thing is that they help you fix a crooked smile you were once ashamed to show. I am glad to have gotten braces today, even though it was a challenge for my mother to convince me to follow through with it.