There are times when nothing really seems to be going right
in your life, when you feel as if the world is pitted against you for some
unknown reason and it’s all a big joke being played on you. And truthfully,
that’s the scenario you would actually prefer to be happening. Because at the
very least, there’s an end in sight: waiting for the world’s joke to finally be
revealed to you.

But when you have no answer, no clarity on why everything
just seems off and not worth pursuing, it can definitely lead to some dark
times that you may not want to speak much about. And that’s okay, because the
vast majority of the population can agree they’ve been in such a spot in their
lives before. Sometimes, there seems like no answer exists as to why you have
to be going through this. And sometimes, there isn’t one.
But the number one thing I’ve taught myself is that the
world as you perceive it can be changed in an instant. You can change exactly
what you see, how you see it, how you feel, and what you enjoy in a heartbeat.
Of course, that sort of knowledge sounds absolutely crazy and impossible to a
lot of folks. But seeing beyond the little things in life that are needless and
toxic is so much easier said than it is done.
At least, that’s the case at first.
You see, all it takes is action. Action can manifest in
cleaning up your house or taking care of your health in minute ways. Take me,
for example. I was in a funk about 8 months ago, and I really felt like there
was nowhere to turn. No answers revealed themselves to me when I constantly
asked “Why me?” But without fail, if I would just get up, do something small
for myself or my body, things would seem a little better. And all it takes is
building off that.
So what I did was get up and brush my teeth or floss any
time I felt a little down. I almost conditioned myself to look at this activity
as a productive one, a positive one. And never would I realize at the time that
I was stacking two positive experiences on top of one another, reinforcing good
habits with good perspective. Sure, it didn’t truly feel like it at the time,
but forcing myself to continue looking on the bright side of things meant that
I would be able to change my mood or “bad day” in a heartbeat if I truly wanted
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