Sunday, 13 January 2013

The Science Behind Saliva

Saliva is something that our mouth forms. Think of when you need to spit. That’s saliva. But, saliva isn’t just a nice thing to have in your mouth for when you need to spit out gunk. It’s actually important for your oral health. 

Here, we’ll go over why saliva is the defense against bad breath and plaque, and why without it, you’re going to be missing something invaluable. 

How it Neutralizes Acids 

Saliva is a natural acid neutralizer. This is because our mouths tend to have a baser pH to it with saliva. Acids will wash away when saliva is in contact with it. 

Think of saliva as like a broom that will sweep away some of this gross plaque and acids.   When it’s done early on, it neutralizes plaque formation, along with the acids, giving you long-term success and happiness when you’re building the ultimate protection against bad mouth bacteria. 

What causes our Mouths to Get Plaque-Infested 

The simple solution is bacteria, but it is more than that.

When we eat food, we give sugars to the bacteria in our mouths that feed on it. They release a chemical, which creates a biofilm on the mouth.  This is known as plaque. 

However, it’s more than just that.   saliva also prevents our mouths from crying. It may seem weird that our mouths can get dry without it, but dry mouth is a big problem for many people. With a dry mouth, it creates cavities, because there’s no saliva to wash this away. 

It also reduces tooth sensitivity as well, which in turn can cause pain and discomfort for many people. 

Finally, it causes halitosis, which is bad breath. While also being unsettling, it means that you have a mouth that’s a bacteria playground, which again, is gros.   You owe it to yourself to not have this, and the best ways to prevent this is to have some saliva-beneficial foods and habits. 

Foods and Habits that Stimulate Saliva Production 

Water is going to be one of those things that will naturally help to lubricate your mouth, and aid with making your mouth moist. 

But, what about food?   One of the most common is crunchy foods, such as fruits and veggies. So apples, carrots, pears, celery, broccoli, even cauliflower all trigger the production. 

If you don’t have any of these, consider chewing some sugar free gum, as this will increase saliva production. Just don't have too many if you’re consuming xylitol, because it can increase blood sugar.

Watermelon has a high water content, which naturally hydrates your mouth and is responsible for improving saliva. 

Dairy, including yogurt and milk, are also good, because they can contain probiotics, and also moisturize your mouth. 

Anything that hydrates you, and also improves the moisture in your mouth is considered a beneficial food. 

You should also get in the habit of brushing and flossing when you can, and drinking water instead of other drinks. 

When you take care of your oral health by also having the right foods and stimulating the saliva in the mouth, you’ll benefit. So start today, and improve your oral health now. 

Saliva is important to a healthy mouth. By harnessing its power, you’re naturally able to give your mouth a happier experience, and an environment that really shines. Start today, and leave your mouth not only nice and fresh, but also moistened, healthy, and also ready for the healthy teeth and fresh breath that you are always supposed to have, whenever you can get it, and whenever you’re able to get a moment to take care of yourself as well.

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